Dog Retrieve

How to Teach a Dog to Reliably Retrieve

Dog Retrieve - Playing Fetch With Your Dog - How to Teach a Dog to Retrieve Reliably


How to teach a dog to reliably retrieve. Playing and working a fetch/retrieve with your dog makes exercising easy and fun. Most dogs play fetch immediately or within a week or two through good obedience training and proper handling. If you’re having trouble getting your dog to behave well or play fetch, contact us at Colorado Top Dog for help. Furthermore, feeding a raw diet ensures your pet will have the energy to train for a long time. Also, raw food keeps them healthy and ready for the next training session. Our business has fed our dogs a natural diet since its inception. As a result, our dogs’ energy levels and speedy recoveries allow them to enjoy Colorado to the fullest extent. We believe in the best nutrition for our dogs, even the goofy ones. Sign up for a dog training consultation to learn more about how your dog can retrieve toys and items like your keys or the remote control! It’s a core skill that is fulfilling for dogs and humans alike.