Pet Health
Happy New Year! Mile High Raw encourages all pet lovers to compare their dog’s current processed pet food diet to a species-appropriate, raw dog food diet. The comparison should examine cost, digestibility, and your pet’s overall health.
First of all, the cost. Raw dog food purchased in bulk is similar in price to dry dog food or dog kibble. You can determine a good starting point using our raw dog food calculator. Input your canine’s information, and you’ll have an estimate of product needs. Then click on our online shop to determine the average cost per month. Finally, purchase your dog’s new favorite food, Albright’s Raw Dog Food, Aunt Jeni’s Home Made, or Steve’s Real Food. Dogs desire our Colorado raw dog food options.
Like an improper human diet, the wrong dog food can lead to allergies, a compromised immune system, and diminished quality of life and longevity. Our raw dog food products design is to help your dog stay healthy. They’re highly digestible and provide optimal nutrition to your beloved companion cat or dog.
Quit trying every brand of dog food. Instead, switch to your last dog food. One that your four-legged friend will choose to devour over and over. Purchase high-quality raw dog food from our online store. Receive delivery if in Boulder or the Denver metro area. Happy New Year!